Favourite Psalms from Great Cathedrals GCCD 4082

“A most enjoyable collection of devotional music, with settings of familiar text by a variety of expert composers, performed by many of the best Cathedral Choirs in England, with contributions also from Scotland and Ireland” (MusicalMerit)

Price: £8.99

Track list

Various top cathedrals

Psalms 12, 13, 14 Christ Church Oxford/Stephen Darlington
Psalms 23, 121, 122 Lichfield/Jonathan Rees-Williams
Psalm 24 St. Fin Barre’s Cork/Andrew Padmore
Psalms 32, 33, 34 Salisbury Cathedral/Simon Lole
Psalm 45 Aberdeen/Andrew Morrisson/Dundee/Richard Lightband & Inverness Cathedral/Russel Grant
Psalm 47 Ely Cathedral & Gentlemen of the Chapel Royal/Arthur Wills/Richard Popplewell
Psalm 67 Westminster Abbey/Martin Neary
Psalm 78 Wells Cathedral/Anthony Crossland
Pslams 149, 150 Wells Cathedral/Malcolm Archer
Psalm 84 Exeter Cathedral/Lucian Nethsingha
Psalm 101 Lincoln Cathedral/Philip Marshall
Psalm 137 Corpus Christi Cambridge/Mark Lee
Psalm 138 Coventry Cathedral/Paul Wright

Barcode: 5027822-4082-22